Exhibitor Information

Booth No.
Company / Organization Name (in English)
Toyama Pharmaceutical Valley Development Consortium
Headquarters (Address)
富山県富山市安住町7-18 富山安住町第一生命ビルディング2階
Website URL
Business Category
Pharmaceuticals, Government organization / Industry association / Education (Pharmaceuticals, Government / Industry Association / Education)
Main Products
Research seeds
Main Products to Exhibit (in English)
We have posted detailed information on each of our seeds ("Mini Tablet Preparation," "Licorice Extract," "Environmentally Harmonious Organocatalyst," "Rapid Asepsis Test Method," and "Vaccine Adjuvant") at our booth. Please take a look.
Company Characteristics and Strength
The Consortium is a collaborative platform to further utilize the strengths and resources of industry, academia, and government in the prefecture. The Consortium promotes research and development in the pharmaceutical field and human resource development at universities in the prefecture, by aiming at further development of the pharmaceutical industry in the prefecture.